Monday, September 22, 2008

Back in The Saddle

So it's a day late, but issue twenty-five is done and posted!  I was originally going to post it as a full color piece of work, but I decided that it wasn't in keeping with the tone of the series.  I enjoy the unique look that cross hatching and detailed inking bring to my work.  This is not to say that I'm opposed to coloring (quite the opposite), but the strips themselves shall remain blank and white.

I'm now almost totally healed after my tonsil surgery, though it's still a bit painful to yawn.  I must admit I found it difficult to draw after not doing so for two weeks.  While I'm perfectly happy with the end result of issue twenty-five, I did have to push myself to get it done (hence why it's a day late).  

I'll be headed back to work on Wednesday.  I'm not looking forward to it, but I'm trying to stay on the positive side and focus on my goals.  It's wasted energy to complain about my job, and I'll never get where I want to be if I continue to do so.  I'm trying to keep myself on track by not thinking about the negative things in my life, and so far it's going pretty well :D

Issue twenty-six is on schedule for Wednesday morning, so don't forget to check back soon!

Later Days!

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